Nerede kalmıştık? Ben, şimdiki zamanın değişiklerine adapte olma evresi geçirirken, sizi de kendi dünyanızdaki zaman makinesine yerleştiriyorum. Konu aslında tam da bu, zaman: Siz hangi zamandasınız? Bahsedeceğim örnekler çok eskilere götürüyor bizi, ama bağlantıyı tabii ki kurabilirsiniz; çünkü tüm bu markalar günümüze kadar gelmeyi başardılar. Şimdi tabii ki yepyeni imajlarıyla, değişimi görelim:
Well, most of you know these days we're having such trouble time in Turkey. Having protests against the government, cuz our P.M treats us like a dictator and bans everything step by step. And one of the reasons we protest, is that the government passed a law on May 23 limiting the sale of alcohol from 10 pm to 6 am at kiosks, grocery stores and forbid the depiction of alcohol consumption on television, billboards, newspapers, storefronts and at festivals.This post is about a great guerilla marketing example of Heineken. So i thought that this one's a great way to say to the government that they're making a big mistake, in order to ban the sales and ads of alcohol.
What is the perfect way to choose your candidate? What if you make a game out of it and actually see the real reactions of the person that you'll work with. And i bet you can't see these reactions, during a "normal" interview. But why so serious, right? Just be yourself, and that's all!
Here's our three candidates. The best thing about the plan is that it's a win-win situation. Heineken is hiring, that's allright, but what if they put their candidates's interview videos and let's face it it, they're not normal ones, and make people vote them in order to choose the perfect one for the job? They're hiring, at the same time, include people all around the world into decision-making. Clever, right? I bet the one who came ot with the idea got bonus ;)
Just watch the video of the greatest job interview and tell me how great it is;)
I literally love this kind of advertising, because you can actually live inside of it. This time i'm talking about a new Disney movie called: Wreck-It Ralph. For that matters, they found a professional commercial sculpture called Aden Hynes, in order to turn the London streets into a wonderland. In the video you can easily see how much attention they get. 3D pixelated cars, birds and waters worked pretty well.
There's this creative side of marketing that gets the biggest pie after all. If you're clever enough to use it, then you'll make the biggest sells out of it. You see, maybe it's just another Disney movie that even teenages probably won't go. But at least they have a word to say about it after seeing pixelated world. And they 'll start what we call: mouth to mouth marketing. See, smart and easy.
Right after the beginning of 2013, i started to search some new marketing trends. And while i was searching, i found out that, the biggest event of the year for marketers is also coming: Neuromarketing Forum 2013.
I realized that i haven't written on neuromarketing for so long, it's because in Turkey, the description is highly theoretical. But still the world is global and we are part of it. So there's no harm learning which companies are using the facts of neuromarketing, right?
You see on the images below some brands who are using neuromarketing for their ad campaigns, packaging, effectiveness and product testing. And also how they manage their strategies, while using neuromarketing. So keep looking for the researches of this new area because then the key of the new marketing strategy becomes clearer: Don't just market, Neuromarket.